Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tagged again!

Tagged so the answers first then the post.
A- Age - I told Lauren & she said whoa that is old. Being 52 does not seem that old
B- Band listening to - sorry I hate music unless live
C- Career - shopper
D- Drink or Smoke - No, I act crazy enough without drinking
E- Easiest friend to talk to - most days it is definitely Mark but Somedays it is Shalene (she let's me whine)
F- Funniest moment in life - Richard waking up going whoa! whoa! whoa! when Mark took a corner in our old van on the way back from Busch Gardens. You had to be there!
G- Gummy bears or worms - neither
H- Have a significant other - husband of 35 years Mark
I - In love - oh yeah going on 37 years (yeah that was 15 for me)
J - Junk food I like - everything - Sister Ards fudge is so my favorite - I love chocolate & peanut butter
K - Kids - 2 girls & 1 boy (ok - so they are adults)
L- longest ride ever - NC to Salt lake City - long & hot without air
M -man/woman I love the most - Mark - no contest
N- Names of kids - Stacey Leigh Hopfer, Michelle Dare Peed, & Captain Mark Dale Wyrick II - plus kids by marriage are Richard, Ryan & Shalene.
O- One wish you have now - I would like to be well & my trip to St Croix would hurry & get here P- Phobias - we do not have enough time to list - but I really hate spiders
Q- Quote ( favorite) "The day may come that men's hearts will fell but today is not that day"
R- Reasons to smile - my husband, kids, grandkids - I live therefore I will smile
S - Sleeping hours - 3am - 8am (on a good night)
T - Time I wake up - 8am - 10am
U - Unknown fact about myself - I get my feelings hurt really easy
V - Vegetable I hate - brocolli
W - Worst habit - talk too much
X - X-rays I have had - teeth, wrist, ankle, leg, MRI, CAT scan, & etc.,etc.
Y - Yummy foods - any potato, chocolate & Outback's steak
Z - Zodiac sign - I am a Leo

I am making a bucket list - I think it is a good idea & I want to start crossing off things.
Off to Boone this week to see Shalene in her spring concert. Mark is worried as always.
He hates when I drive that far & stay in a hotel alone. Will I ever get old enough to travel
alone? haha! I am very careful so he has little to worry about. I get to see my girls & hear good music too - what a win-win!


Blogger Jean said...

I loved reading your tag. I knew a lot of that stuff but did learn a few new things...I am such an open book it is hard to learn anything new about me..hahaha! I hope you have fun in Boone...stop by on your way if you get the chance. Love you, Jean

4:37 AM  
Blogger myglorydays said...


7:46 PM  
Blogger myglorydays said...

The correct blog address is


11:04 PM  

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